“Graphics encourage and reinforce the aim of the proposal, from old grey paths to new urban areas”

The Aerial Way addresses the impending urban mobility issues in the context of Sao Paulo, proposing innovative transport and smart management systems accessible to all. The project organises a new logistic “layer” suspended above the city following real time data flows. This responsive mobility system allows to free space for public engagement, as well as resolving issues related to disconnectivity in the urban fabric

Roads in São Paulo are completely saturated. There is no space for more cars since traffic jams are constant and both private cars and public transport are not working properly. CEAGESP is one of the most problematic points in the city, suffering mobility problems and urban congestion due to the traffic in the highway, and the trucks and vans coming daily to the complex to sell and buy products. But… What should we do to solve these problems?

the aerial way
competition 2018, first prize.
-Alejandro Carraso Hidalgo
-Eduardo Cilleruelo Terán
-professor associate : Rosa María Cerdá. 
